[ weird things ] | games
articles tagged: games
the misguided idea to criminalize mmorpg trolling
# tech

the misguided idea to criminalize mmorpg trolling

Some activists want to see virtual crime punished by real world consequences. They do not want to go down that road and what it would entail.

when extreme surgery and video games collide
# oddities

when extreme surgery and video games collide

An online conspiracy theory says that the much covered idea for a head transplant is just a guerilla marketing stunt for Konami.

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?
# tech

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?

The jobs tech execs are thinking would be gained through monetized crowdsourcing don't seem like the kind of sustainable jobs we'll need in the future.

much ado about mass effect’s dark matter
# science

much ado about mass effect’s dark matter

Sometimes we need to let entertainment stay entertainment instead of bending over backwards trying to turn it into an educational tool.

why duke nukem is taking forever
# tech

why duke nukem is taking forever

The team behind Duke Nukem Forever failed to learn the most important lesson of any creative and engineering field: at some point you have to stop designing and building the thing.