[ weird things ] | global warming
articles tagged: global warming
another little ice age in the works? probably not…
# science

another little ice age in the works? probably not…

Are we about to see another short ice age as solar activity plummets?

a bad week for science in politics
# science

a bad week for science in politics

Science-illiterate politicians spent their week proudly showing their ignorance in Congress.

the politics of global warming
# science

the politics of global warming

The more people are being scared about global warming, the less they want to do to help stop it.

why is global warming so cold?
# science

why is global warming so cold?

Just because it's cold outside in your part of the world doesn't mean global warming isn't happening.

solar powered global warming?
# science

solar powered global warming?

Global warming denialists found a new culprit for the rising temperatures. Of course, they're wrong.

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