Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# tech
The internet may have broadened our horizons, but it hasn't changed how we think about sex. With maybe one exception...
# tech
No, the internet isn't about to gain sentience and become a globe-spanning hivemind.
# sex
Facebook, Twitter, and other gated online platforms are not coming for your porn. It's too lucrative to censor off the web.
# tech
Getting naked in front of digital devices with cameras as a teenage minor can become a huge legal problem. So why aren't states fixing the laws for modern times?
# tech
Joe Lieberman decided that the best way to tackle cyber-security is by literally shutting off the country's internet on demand with nothing more than an executive order by the president.
# tech
If Nicholas Carr's attention span has been undermined by technology, he reasons that so has everyone else's and it's his duty to warn us.