[ weird things ] | media
articles tagged: media
the vaccine manufactroversy hits pbs
# health

the vaccine manufactroversy hits pbs

Anti-vaxers are on a mission to bring back diseases we eliminated or kept under control by vaccination thanks to Luddism, disinformation, and conspiracy theories.

immortality sells and apparently so do aliens
# space

immortality sells and apparently so do aliens

No, we haven't found life 25,000 light years away, just one sugar molecule that could be used by living things.

good science meets terrible journalism
# science

good science meets terrible journalism

When reporters already know what story they're going to write, your research becomes nothing more than bastardized fodder.

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?
# sex

sex on tv equals teen pregnancies?

Research into teen pregnancy seems to be rife with confusing causation and correlation.

why atheism is serious business
# politics

why atheism is serious business

When your worldview gets popular, you're going to get followers who are in it only to jump on the bandwagon.

porn, the phantom menace
# politics

porn, the phantom menace

Of all the sins that worry the religious right, lust, in the form of pornography, seems to dominate their every other waking thought.

how to be a model pseudoscientist
# science

how to be a model pseudoscientist

A satirical piece perfectly captures how pseudoscience works and what it sounds like when applied to basic facts no one actually disputes.

the media takes on scientology, again
# oddities

the media takes on scientology, again

The wealthy, secretive UFO cult is back in the news and they're not taking it well.

why scientists and rock stars don’t mix
# science

why scientists and rock stars don’t mix

Chris Mooney and GQ Magazine want readers to ask "Hey, who's that nerd posing with my favorite rock star?"

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