[ weird things ] | medical research
articles tagged: medical research
why you should go easy on the soda pop
# science

why you should go easy on the soda pop

While you probably shouldn't over-indulge in sugary beverages anyway, going overboard on soda might be especially bad for you...

anti-vaxers: yelling “fire” in a crowded theater…
# health

anti-vaxers: yelling “fire” in a crowded theater…

Anti-vaxxers are absolutely certain that vaccines are evil and they're prepared to move any goal post to justify that belief.

is it time to rethink clinical trial guidelines?
# health

is it time to rethink clinical trial guidelines?

Researchers call for a more rigorous and detailed protocol in final stage drug trials after reviewing the real world efficacy of anti-depressants.

a real life attack of the clones?
# science

a real life attack of the clones?

How close are we to creating a literal army of clones? And more importantly, should we?

the singularity reloaded
# tech

the singularity reloaded

If you can't promise people actual immortality, you can sometimes get away with promising them the next big thing.

stem cells redux
# politics

stem cells redux

We need to lift the ban on embryonic stem cell research if we want to help millions of people who suffer from complex degenerative diseases.

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