[ weird things ] | pseudoscience
articles tagged: pseudoscience
when quacks resort to legal intimidation
# health

when quacks resort to legal intimidation

Marc Stephens, a lawyer for the infamous Burzynski Clinic, decided that the best way to meet skeptics is with unhinged conspiracy theories and harassment.

homeopaths move on to mangle comp sci…
# science

homeopaths move on to mangle comp sci…

You can answer a homeopath's question but you can't make him read it or understand why he was wrong.

real water for the really, really gullible
# science

real water for the really, really gullible

Bottled water, now marked up beyond any reason and sold with meaningless quantum technobabble.

pop sci eugenics, now with good intentions
# science

pop sci eugenics, now with good intentions

No matter how good the intentions, designing the babies of a future generations is simply not going to work in the long term.

why do we still have dedicated astrologers?
# space

why do we still have dedicated astrologers?

Astrologers are demanding their pseudoscience be treated with all due respect. The problem for them is that no respect whatsoever is due to their woo.

just when you think something is undeniable…
# science

just when you think something is undeniable…

Believe it or not, there's a growing group of people trying to cherry-pick a medical case that obesity isn't bad for you.

ok, really, the habitable zone is not that small
# space

ok, really, the habitable zone is not that small

A viral social media post claims that life on Earth is far more fragile than it actually is.

so how would you say hello in your universe?
# science

so how would you say hello in your universe?

Biocentrism is the hottest new "quantum" woo that's literally all about you...

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science
# science

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science

A brief survey of the six kinds of people actively ruining science for the rest of us.

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition
# science

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition

The holidays are a time for family, which often means arguments with woo-loving relatives...

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