[ weird things ] | pseudoscience
articles tagged: pseudoscience
the sunday times gets an egg on its face
# evolution

the sunday times gets an egg on its face

British pundit Dennis Sewell is back to blame all the evils of the modern world on the discovery of gradual genetic change in living organisms.

the priest will charge you now
# health

the priest will charge you now

Insurance companies could be forced to pay for faith healing and the Christian Science movement is ready to cash in.

the great vaccine apocalypse cometh…
# health

the great vaccine apocalypse cometh…

The media is actively enabling anti-vaccination hysteria for the sake of ratings just when we need people to get the H1N1 shot and prevent the further spread of swine flu.

when the laws aren’t there for your protection
# politics

when the laws aren’t there for your protection

Quacks and cranks are using libel laws to silence critics and skeptics into submission and keep money flowing into their pockets.

answers in genesis takes on black holes
# science

answers in genesis takes on black holes

Answers In Genesis' Jason Lisle finds God and proof of a 6,000 year universe in black holes and the speed of light.

a brief science abuse roundup
# science

a brief science abuse roundup

It's been a busy week for the web's pseudoscientists and cranks.

you can hear einstein’s ghost weep…
# science

you can hear einstein’s ghost weep…

A proper rebuttal to an example of concentrated, weapons-grade creationist nonsense from an angry reader.

how the stuff of pseudoscience legend is made
# science

how the stuff of pseudoscience legend is made

Evolution can explain why you stand upright and have a large brain. It won't explain why you like to watch movies or read books because it doesn't have to.

when quack marketing crosses the line
# health

when quack marketing crosses the line

Quack extraordinaire Mike Adams has crossed a line from typical snake oil salesmanship to predatory fear-mongering.

how to be a model pseudoscientist
# science

how to be a model pseudoscientist

A satirical piece perfectly captures how pseudoscience works and what it sounds like when applied to basic facts no one actually disputes.

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