[ weird things ] | religion
articles tagged: religion
when accommodationists lash out at atheists
# evolution

when accommodationists lash out at atheists

According to David Scharfenberg, Ken Miller is the only sane, rational person in the debate about how evolution should be taught, a debate led almost exclusively by foaming-at-the-mouth irrational extremists on both sides.

answers in genesis searches for atlantis
# science

answers in genesis searches for atlantis

Answers In Genesis says that the fall of Atlantis was caused by the Great Flood and they have the numbers and verses to prove it.

exploring the creationist thought process
# oddities

exploring the creationist thought process

How to argue like a creationist in one easy, dishonest, and willfully ignorant step.

when fundamentalists go on the warpath
# oddities

when fundamentalists go on the warpath

A group of religious zealots was ready to quite literally go to war with the unbelievers in Amarillo, Texas.

templeton takes science writers for a ride…
# science

templeton takes science writers for a ride…

Chris Mooney has effectively allowed the Templeton Foundation to bribe him not to write anything negative about religious zealotry or over-reach.

when people read the bible’s tea leaves
# oddities

when people read the bible’s tea leaves

Did biblical tests predict guided missiles? Sure, if you didn't actually read the passage in which you claim they appeared, much less its context...

achieving transcendence with brain surgery
# science

achieving transcendence with brain surgery

A study of brain cancer patients in Italy shows the neural epicenters of spiritual experiences and religious belief.

newsflash: you are not god
# politics

newsflash: you are not god

This blog's creationist readers appear to need a reminder the criticizing their statements is not the same thing as disagreeing with a deity.

when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?
# science

when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?

Pundits and commentators are still perplexed by Ken Ham and his temple of ignorance, and keep setting out on a snipe hunt for a deep, complicated reason why he created it.

saving kids from hell one science class at a time
# education

saving kids from hell one science class at a time

An accidental sneak peek at what kids are taught in a creationist science class shows a profound disregard for both the Bible and scientific facts.

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