[ weird things ] | science education
articles tagged: science education
blog wars: atheists, science writers and the war of words over scientific literacy
# science

blog wars: atheists, science writers and the war of words over scientific literacy

Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum wanted at least some positive feedback on their book. Instead, they started a feud.

don’t forget to blame a scientist…
# science

don’t forget to blame a scientist…

Chris Mooney and Sheril Kirshenbaum blame scientists for public scientific illiteracy. The case study serving as exhibit one? Pluto's demotion from planethood.

public education in texas, doomed
# education

public education in texas, doomed

Texas' new potential chair of the Board of Education will make you long for the good old days of anti-evolution dentist Don McLeroy.

if you break the laws of physics…
# science

if you break the laws of physics…

What do we mean by breaking the laws of physics? And what happens if we do?

welcome to opposite world…
# science

welcome to opposite world…

All too often people confuse a debate out of pity or common courtesy for equal standing. And all too often, cranks are happy to take advantage of that perception.

surprise, surprise! everything is just a theory
# science

surprise, surprise! everything is just a theory

How people use the word "theory" when it comes to science shows how badly we teach them about the scientific method.

how to keep science in science class
# evolution

how to keep science in science class

Weird Things talks to the Texas Freedom Network about keeping science in science class despite the state's best efforts to gut it.

goodbye and good riddance to don mcleroy
# politics

goodbye and good riddance to don mcleroy

Texas finally had enough of Don McLeroy's leadership of the school board. But he's still on the board and still a threat to reality-based education.

teaching the controversy where none exists
# education

teaching the controversy where none exists

Yet more shenanigans from the Texas School Board of Education, this time about the age of the universe and the basics of cosmology.

a political cavalcade of mistakes
# politics

a political cavalcade of mistakes

GOP congressman Mike Pence managed to perform a rare feat: an interview about science and environment in which every statement was completely wrong.

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