Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
Amazingly, you can cool something to below absolute zero. And what happens when you do is really, really weird...
# space
Planetary scientists who want to study plants other than Mars and very unhappy with what they see as NASA's obsession with the red planet.
# science
Andrea Rossi is still keeping up his cold fusion scam and taking a community of fervent believers for a ride in the process.
# science
Far too many denizens of social media are upset that Curiosity cost $2.5 billion because they don't understand how and why that money was spent.
# politics
Two afflictions shared by a majority of the public are dragging down our advancements as a civilization and a species.
# science
Having the public vote on what science gets funded and why to fix the issues with how grants are given out is an idea only a politician could love and would be disastrous in practice.
# tech
The jobs tech execs are thinking would be gained through monetized crowdsourcing don't seem like the kind of sustainable jobs we'll need in the future.
# science
OPERA experiment's lead investigator resigned after a scathing rebuke from his fellow scientists over the neutrino detection incident. He should've been allowed to stay.
# science
How much are we actually willing to pay for future innovations in science and technology? And not in a figurative way...
# science
Publishing code used in scientific studies sounds like a good idea, but its implementation and consequences need a lot more thought first...