[ weird things ] | scientific theories
articles tagged: scientific theories
the problem with theories of everything
# science

the problem with theories of everything

Stephen Wolfram joins a long line of theoreticians who believe they uncovered how the universe really works. He, like all of them, is almost certainly wrong.

the amazing, gyrating theory of everything
# science

the amazing, gyrating theory of everything

A viral theory-of-everything manifesto is raising eyebrows of scientists and pop sci writers with one questions: how could it get published in a peer-reviewed journal?

why scientists always need to stay skeptical
# science

why scientists always need to stay skeptical

When it's getting harder and harder to make truly profound, world-changing discoveries, we have to double down on skepticism to make sure we don't lead ourselves astray.

when an answer is not an answer at all…
# science

when an answer is not an answer at all…

Since Dembski considered it beneath him to answer my design question, someone else tries to take a shot at them.

a designer’s questions about intelligent design
# evolution

a designer’s questions about intelligent design

A few questions for the Great Creationist Information Theory Wizard William Albert Dembski about the design of the human body and genome.

the creationist quest to slime darwin
# evolution

the creationist quest to slime darwin

There seems to be nothing creationists won't blame on Charles Darwin, especially the Holocaust.

when nature isn’t neat and tidy
# space

when nature isn’t neat and tidy

It's actually a good thing there's a debate about whether to classify Pluto as a planet or something else.

a little song about science
# science

a little song about science

They Might Be Giants have a short message about science.

another messy divorce with science
# education

another messy divorce with science

Parents were shocked by the offensive content on the t-shirts worn by the Smith-Cotton High School marching band: a reference to evolution.

there’s a reason why we call it evidence…
# science

there’s a reason why we call it evidence…

Evidence doesn't go away just because you choose to ignore it.

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