[ weird things ] | space exploration
articles tagged: space exploration
when it’s what’s on the inside that counts
# space

when it’s what’s on the inside that counts

How do we know what the insides of Venus or Jupiter look like? The short answer is that we don’t. The longer answer is that we make a fairly accurately guess.

why we need to return to the moon and do the other things
# space

why we need to return to the moon and do the other things

Space is becoming a growing commercial industry. And we need to start heavily investing in it to save ourselves from our worst decision makers.

preparing for a very low stakes test of general relativity
# space

preparing for a very low stakes test of general relativity

A new mission to Mercury will test a quirk of general relativity. It won’t be decisive and will involve a lot of precision measurement and tedious number-crunching. And it’s exactly the kind of science we should be encouraging.

americans want to remain leaders in space, but they seldom want to pay for it
# space

americans want to remain leaders in space, but they seldom want to pay for it

A recent Pew study about American attitudes on space exploration may seem like exciting news for NASA and space exploration advocates, but it doesn’t ask the questions that really matter.

why we need to explore space now more than we ever did before
# space

why we need to explore space now more than we ever did before

We need big ideas if we're going to successfully transition to a post-industrial society.

the amazing, rocky, nearby, (potentially) habitable solar system
# astrobiology

the amazing, rocky, nearby, (potentially) habitable solar system

The TRAPPIST-1 solar system is the most unique one we've seen so far and could offer amazing possibilities for life.

the many mysteries of proxima centauri b
# science

the many mysteries of proxima centauri b

We still know very little about the closest extrasolar world we've discovered, including whether it's suitable for life.

life on mars, now in post-modern style
# space

life on mars, now in post-modern style

A proposal for a Martian habitat wants to use the power of water for both structural support and radiation shielding.

can we really colonize space a hundred people at a time?
# space

can we really colonize space a hundred people at a time?

Despite the details still left to figure out, the Interplanetary Transport System is a solid start to a real infrastructure for space exploration.

when astronauts become ufologists
# astrobiology

when astronauts become ufologists

If you can trust anyone to point out a genuine UFO, it's an astronaut. Sadly, they might be just as misinformed or probe to personal biases as the rest of us.

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