[ weird things ] | space exploration
articles tagged: space exploration
surviving seven minutes of martian terror
# space

surviving seven minutes of martian terror

All you need to know about how hard it is to land on Mars is that rocket scientists call it "seven minutes of terror."

and yet they still just don’t get it…
# space

and yet they still just don’t get it…

Development wonks want entrepreneurs trying to start a new age of space exploration to abandon their effort and throw good money after bad at the developing world.

why we’d want to make some more antimatter
# space

why we’d want to make some more antimatter

Antimatter will need to be the fuel of the future if we want technology like relativistic spaceships and black hole reactors.

how to start a human-ran alien nation state
# space

how to start a human-ran alien nation state

Space exploration and long term settlements of alien worlds might actually be a recipe for creating new countries with their own cultures, languages, and armed forces.

why play with a zero-g playboy bunny
# space

why play with a zero-g playboy bunny

Playboy wants an adults-only luxury hotel in space. This is a great idea and not because of the implication.

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?
# science

do warp drives emit tachyon shockwaves?

A new paper says that warp drives could bathe planets in apocalyptic radiation storms, but how it arrives at this conclusion raises a lot of questions.

cleaning up space junk one piece at a time?
# space

cleaning up space junk one piece at a time?

We need to clean up Earth's orbit from more than half a century of working in space. But it's a complicated task, logistically and politically.

astrobiologists’ frustrating martian paradox
# space

astrobiologists’ frustrating martian paradox

Mars should have some sort of live according to all the evidence we've gathered so far. But do we really know for what we're looking?

can we explore space with unmanned drones?
# space

can we explore space with unmanned drones?

If we want to really explore alien worlds, our drones and probes should lead the way.

why getting humans to mars will not come cheap
# space

why getting humans to mars will not come cheap

If we're going to go to Mars and do it right, we should be ready for the price tag.

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