Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# space
All you need to know about how hard it is to land on Mars is that rocket scientists call it "seven minutes of terror."
# space
Development wonks want entrepreneurs trying to start a new age of space exploration to abandon their effort and throw good money after bad at the developing world.
# space
Antimatter will need to be the fuel of the future if we want technology like relativistic spaceships and black hole reactors.
# space
Space exploration and long term settlements of alien worlds might actually be a recipe for creating new countries with their own cultures, languages, and armed forces.
# space
Playboy wants an adults-only luxury hotel in space. This is a great idea and not because of the implication.
# science
A new paper says that warp drives could bathe planets in apocalyptic radiation storms, but how it arrives at this conclusion raises a lot of questions.
# space
We need to clean up Earth's orbit from more than half a century of working in space. But it's a complicated task, logistically and politically.
# space
Mars should have some sort of live according to all the evidence we've gathered so far. But do we really know for what we're looking?
# space
If we want to really explore alien worlds, our drones and probes should lead the way.
# space
If we're going to go to Mars and do it right, we should be ready for the price tag.