[ weird things ] | warfare
articles tagged: warfare
trying to ban killer robots before they arrive
# tech

trying to ban killer robots before they arrive

The international community is trying to jump ahead of autonomous killer robots, but the messiness of war means they have few answers to the crisis they imagine.

the zombie apocalypse gets put on hold again
# oddities

the zombie apocalypse gets put on hold again

You might see a lot of headlines featuring the words "military" and "zombies" in your feeds. But don't worry, the undead aren't about to rise from the grave in pursuit of human flesh.

forget the bio-weapons
# oddities

forget the bio-weapons

According to the conspiracy web, a dark cabal which rules the world is trying to cull the human population with swine flu, even though they have far better ways to accomplish that task...

gearing up for war in outer space
# space

gearing up for war in outer space

The only questions about whether there will be a war in space are when and what weapons will be used.