[ weird things ] | woo
articles tagged: woo
how social media is radicalizing wellness gurus and your parents
# tech

how social media is radicalizing wellness gurus and your parents

Once associated with lefty politics, hipsters, and hippies, wellness influencers and their audiences are taking a sudden right wing turn, and social media may be to blame.

why india’s toxic nationalism and science don’t mix
# science

why india’s toxic nationalism and science don’t mix

An Indian science conference espoused the superiority of Hindu religion and legends over actual facts and history. And it’s just a small part of an alarming and accelerating trend...

being not even wrong would’ve been better
# evolution

being not even wrong would’ve been better

Forget millions of years of evolution and key mutations. Humans apparently owe their existence magic mushrooms from another dimension.

homeopaths move on to mangle comp sci…
# science

homeopaths move on to mangle comp sci…

You can answer a homeopath's question but you can't make him read it or understand why he was wrong.

real water for the really, really gullible
# science

real water for the really, really gullible

Bottled water, now marked up beyond any reason and sold with meaningless quantum technobabble.

the epic skeptical beat poem is let loose
# education

the epic skeptical beat poem is let loose

Tim Minchin's skeptical beat poem finally gets the animated treatment it deserves.

alt med’s profitable medical symbiosis
# health

alt med’s profitable medical symbiosis

The real reason so many alt med practitioners want to work alongside real doctors isn't to help them. It's to profitably ride their coattails.

ok, really, the habitable zone is not that small
# space

ok, really, the habitable zone is not that small

A viral social media post claims that life on Earth is far more fragile than it actually is.

the woo is really, really strong in this one…
# science

the woo is really, really strong in this one…

There's no pseudoscience or conspiracy Mike Adams isn't willing to defend. His latest cause? Astrology.

when a doctor discovers quantum woo…
# science

when a doctor discovers quantum woo…

Dr. Robert Lanza thinks he's discovered the secret of immortality and it's something very quantum and involving rebooting time loops...

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