[ weird things ] | astrobiology
# astrobiology

but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…
# astrobiology

but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…

Just because an alien invasion is very unlikely doesn't mean we shouldn't spend at least some time and effort preparing for the possibility...

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!
# astrobiology

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!

Chandra Wickramasinghe lays out an elaborate theory how the agency tasked with finding proof of alien life is suppressing evidence of alien chemistry and microbes on Earth because reasons.

who’s afraid of the big, bad alien invaders?
# astrobiology

who’s afraid of the big, bad alien invaders?

It makes sense for an alien species not to care about wiping out a civilization on another planet. Question is whether it would be worth the hassle.

could we see how aliens mine asteroids?
# astrobiology

could we see how aliens mine asteroids?

Could we spot aliens not by their signals into outer space, but by their mining activity?

when von daniken’s disciples leave a comment
# astrobiology

when von daniken’s disciples leave a comment

Ancient astronaut proponents can't seem to distinguish between the terms plausible and likely.

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space
# astrobiology

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space

Just because a planet was ejected from its solar system doesn't mean its oceans can't stay liquid long enough to host some basic life.

why standardizing seti is harder than it sounds
# astrobiology

why standardizing seti is harder than it sounds

Communication is difficult. Especially with alien beings that evolved tens of light years away and may have no idea we're even trying to communicate.

how not to download a sinister alien a.i.
# astrobiology

how not to download a sinister alien a.i.

The odds of downloading an evil alien artificial intelligence and enabling it to take over our machinery are pretty much zero to none.

why alien civilizations could require oxygen
# astrobiology

why alien civilizations could require oxygen

Is oxygen in the air a necessity for an alien civilization to develop?

the arsenic-based life form that really isn’t…
# astrobiology

the arsenic-based life form that really isn’t…

NASA claimed one of its researchers found alien biochemistry on Earth. Unfortunately, the paper they published doesn't support the hype.

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