[ weird things ] | health
# health

anti-vaxers: yelling “fire” in a crowded theater…
# health

anti-vaxers: yelling “fire” in a crowded theater…

Anti-vaxxers are absolutely certain that vaccines are evil and they're prepared to move any goal post to justify that belief.

is it time to rethink clinical trial guidelines?
# health

is it time to rethink clinical trial guidelines?

Researchers call for a more rigorous and detailed protocol in final stage drug trials after reviewing the real world efficacy of anti-depressants.

why alternative medicine spreads like a virus
# health

why alternative medicine spreads like a virus

It seems bizarre, but the longer a patient using alternative medicine is sick, the more converts the alternative treatments win.

the fallout from medical luddism
# health

the fallout from medical luddism

Unhinged anti-vaccination activism is starting to amass a body count as children are stating to suffer and die from preventable diseases.

why we’re not ready for a pandemic
# health

why we’re not ready for a pandemic

Complacency is the enemy of pandemic preparedness and right now, we've gotten awfully complacent.

a case of medical luddism
# health

a case of medical luddism

One of the most successful medical programs in history is under attack from fear and ignorance.

eat less, live to a hundred twenty?
# health

eat less, live to a hundred twenty?

Caloric restriction can add years to your life, but how many remains a very open question.

the cult of personality
# health

the cult of personality

Reality TV managed to create a new version of a mental illness.

side effects may include…
# health

side effects may include…

How to read a medication's potentially terrifying list of side-effects and keep your sanity.

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