[ weird things ] | oddities
# oddities

everything in moderation…
# oddities

everything in moderation…

Atheism should not become bizarro theism, even though it's human nature for it to lean in that direction.

nothing personal, it’s just business
# oddities

nothing personal, it’s just business

Would governments and businesses really have that much to lose if we suddenly got ahold of alien technology?

to christendom and back
# oddities

to christendom and back

What is it like to lose your religion? It's not a process that happens quickly or easily.

waiting for armageddon
# oddities

waiting for armageddon

While most of us dread doomsday and worry about whether the world will end, some people can't wait for the apocalypse.

the jesus we know
# oddities

the jesus we know

Separating the scant facts from the copious fiction about Jesus of Nazareth.

holidays, russian style
# oddities

holidays, russian style

How the Soviet Union turned New Year into its biggest holiday.

stealing the ancients’ glory
# oddities

stealing the ancients’ glory

Ancient alien claims often rely on a single flawed assumption: that our ancestors couldn't be engineers and scientist in their own right.

the treasures of the templar
# oddities

the treasures of the templar

Everyone wants to know what made the Knights Templar wealthy and powerful, but a lot of popular theories miss obvious explanations.

the alien menace next door
# oddities

the alien menace next door

A Russian documentary alleges that Americans stopped going to the Moon because they uncovered something sinister just under its surface.

evolution: a case of bad marketing?
# oddities

evolution: a case of bad marketing?

Could the resistance to accepting evolution as a valid science be little more than a case of not talking about it the right way?

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