[ weird things ] | science
# science

how studying falling antimatter can eventually help us treat cancer
# science

how studying falling antimatter can eventually help us treat cancer

CERN wants to investigate how antimatter falls by creating and dropping anti-hydrogen atoms, adding to our understanding of particle physics and its applications.

the billion year old connection between tasmania and arizona
# science

the billion year old connection between tasmania and arizona

Rocks in Tasmania and the Grand Canyon are helping geologists piece together the history of a billion year old supercontinent and a more accurate history of our planet.

when bigots hijack science
# science

when bigots hijack science

Researching human diversity helps us understand how we evolved. Unfortunately, it also gives racists opportunities to cherry pick justifications for their bigoted views...

why your beer is safe from global warming. for now…
# science

why your beer is safe from global warming. for now…

The beer industry has a plan to keep their product affordable in spite of climate change. But they’re not the only ones having to come up with climate mitigation plans to stay in business.

why the earth won’t remember us fondly
# science

why the earth won’t remember us fondly

Scientists are debating how humanity will be remembered millions of years from now and it won’t be by our sprawling cities and historical sites. It will be by our pollution, garbage, and weapons.

what interstellar’s black hole can teach us about science in entertainment
# science

what interstellar’s black hole can teach us about science in entertainment

After Interstellar, more and more representations of black holes are leaning towards scientific correctness. It may not sound like much, but it’s actually kind of a big deal.

antarctic ice shows us a glimpse of what may lie beyond the standard model
# science

antarctic ice shows us a glimpse of what may lie beyond the standard model

Particle physicists have been stuck confirming the same patterns of particle creation and decay. Now, they coud have a chance to study something brand new.

what’s wrong with right to try laws
# science

what’s wrong with right to try laws

Giving terminally ill patients a chance to try experimental drugs also means protecting them from scammers.

climate change deniers throw a pity party in congress to talk about hurt feelings
# science

climate change deniers throw a pity party in congress to talk about hurt feelings

The House's Denialist-in-Chief Lamar Smith invites his favorite climate change denialists for an afternoon of ego stroking and kvetching.

pollution denial, the hot new trend ready to kill you for a quick profit
# science

pollution denial, the hot new trend ready to kill you for a quick profit

Fossil fuel lobbyists are ready to give you asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer if it means they and their clients can make an extra dollar.

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