[ weird things ] | science
# science

trying to find the limits of philosophy
# science

trying to find the limits of philosophy

At what point do considering the limits of our knowledge and different ways of understanding turn into pointless navel-gazing?

why should professional science blogs be taboo?
# science

why should professional science blogs be taboo?

Alt med skeptic David Colquhoun warns professional bloggers that money will taint their coverage, vastly estimating how much blogging pays.

hold on to your protons. this could be huge…
# science

hold on to your protons. this could be huge…

Protons might be a little smaller than we thought, and that means we may need to rewrite a lot of the rules we thought we understood about the quantum world.

examining the aftermath of the pop-pocalypse
# science

examining the aftermath of the pop-pocalypse

Pepsi's presence on ScienceBlogs caused an extreme overreaction and revealed a major lack of foresight, but that doesn't mean it was a good idea in the first place.

does our planet need a biological reset button?
# science

does our planet need a biological reset button?

Can we recreate life on Earth after a mass extinction? And if we could, do we really want to?

pepsi’s misguided foray into science blogging
# science

pepsi’s misguided foray into science blogging

Pepsi's venture into ScienceBlogs has been a rare slow-motion train wreck, from the internecine blog wars to waves of bloggers heading for the exits.

making climate research a risky proposition…
# science

making climate research a risky proposition…

Hyperventilating right wing conspiracy theories about climate science have inspired their less stable listeners to send a constant barrage of death threats and hate mail to climatologists.

are we prisoners of biological determinism?
# science

are we prisoners of biological determinism?

A group of scientists seems convinced that humans have no free will solely because everything we do can be explained in the language of chemical and electrical signals.

how to throw yourself a public pity party
# science

how to throw yourself a public pity party

As a loud and proud New Agnostic, Ron Rosenbaum doesn't just not know how the universe came to be, he doesn't want to know what we've found out so far.

shifting the blame for scientific illiteracy
# science

shifting the blame for scientific illiteracy

Chris Mooney is back with another rendition of the Unscientific America debacle to cement his status as the human version of a broken record.

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