[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

censoring the web one keyword at a time
# tech

censoring the web one keyword at a time

Governments censoring, filtering, and manipulating the internet, so hot right now.

and now, here’s electrogonorrhea, the noisy killer
# tech

and now, here’s electrogonorrhea, the noisy killer

Would human-robot relationships really take off when machines are smart enough?

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?
# tech

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?

The jobs tech execs are thinking would be gained through monetized crowdsourcing don't seem like the kind of sustainable jobs we'll need in the future.

measuring our brains with the wrong ruler
# tech

measuring our brains with the wrong ruler

North Korea's computer-based insult towards South Korea's head of state was supposed to be meaningless but offensive nonsense. Too bad pop sci writers took the bait and tried to explain it anyway.

how not to hire yourself a programmer
# tech

how not to hire yourself a programmer

Jeff Atwood of Coding Horror shows us just how crazy the hiring process can be today by laying out his dream version of it.

welcome to the very socially awkward future?
# tech

welcome to the very socially awkward future?

We might not be quite ready for the kind of augmented reality that Google has in mind for us..

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon
# tech

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon

No, a Dyson sphere around our sun isn't a plausible project for the next few thousand years. And maybe not even then.

how to make random machines do your bidding
# tech

how to make random machines do your bidding

How do you connect multiple robots into a single hive mind? Yours truly has been trying to come up with a way to do exactly that.

inside the mind of a very angry crank
# tech

inside the mind of a very angry crank

Pseudoscience and fact-free manifestos, now with anger management issues...

new name, new accent, same old singularity…
# tech

new name, new accent, same old singularity…

A Singularity by any other name is still just a utopian cold reading of where technology is headed.

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