[ weird things ] | tech
# tech

how not to set this bot to kill all humans
# tech

how not to set this bot to kill all humans

A lot of popular science writers who don't know how AI is developed are hyping a Skynet scenario. Don't believe them.

how a simple a.i. beat a crowdsourcing service
# tech

how a simple a.i. beat a crowdsourcing service

On the surface, a basic AI handily beat humans in a classification task. But if you look at the details, its victory wasn't exactly a clean one.

the weird things year in review, third edition
# tech

the weird things year in review, third edition

Another year, another peek under the hood of Weird Things.

weird things wrap up, 2010
# tech

weird things wrap up, 2010

It's been a busy, wild, weird year...

why we shouldn’t mix kurzweil with atheism
# tech

why we shouldn’t mix kurzweil with atheism

When you start with a deeply flawed premise and advance a deeply flawed argument, you'll come to a deeply flawed conclusion.

looking for science in all the wrong places
# tech

looking for science in all the wrong places

Science bloggers are trying to wedge scientific accuracy into Tron Legacy, a movie which doesn't have any scientific content to speak of.

tron legacy’s glimpses of high tech idealism
# tech

tron legacy’s glimpses of high tech idealism

Tron Legacy didn't just have countless special effects and a custom soundtrack, it managed to cram in a massive dose of tech utopianism.

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee
# tech

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee

IEEE is not impressed with Ray Kurzweil's cold readings about the future of computing and technology.

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…
# tech

dear technophobes, the kids are quite all right…

Over the last 60 years, the world has dramatically changed but K-12 education hasn't. Just blaming social media and web connected devices won't help get students more engaged.

why valley execs need to stop prognosticating
# tech

why valley execs need to stop prognosticating

The last thing we need is to try and turn social media into an artificial intelligence.

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