world of weird things podcast: artificial untelligence

You probably hear the term artificial intelligence about ten times a day now. But what does it actually mean? What makes a machine intelligent? Is it how a certain algorithm works? Is it what the machine is capable of computing? How is it acquired? Turns out that when you try to nail down an exact definition of the term, things start getting very complicated very quickly, not to mention hard to explain. At the same time, since understanding when a computer becomes smart enough to take your job is going to be critical for your future, we have to at least try.
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Articles covered or touched on in this episode…
– When Philosophy Meets Artificial Intelligence
– Michael Vassar vs. Weird Things, Round One
– Michael Vassar vs. Weird Things, Round Two
– Michael Vassar vs. Weird Things, Round Three
– Artificial Intelligence Gets A Reality Check
– Waiting For The Dawn Of Artificial Intelligence
– All Your Jobs Are Belong To Us?
– Why We Can’t Bring You Back From The Dead With A Computer
– The Trump Administration Is In Denial About Jobs And Artificial Intelligence
– Why Humans Won’t Become Obsolete Unless We Choose To Make Them That Way
Related articles and further reading…
– Dissecting The One Supercomputer To Rule Them All
– How To Tame Your Superintelligent Robot…
– Why Do We Want To Build A Fully Fledged A.G.I.?
– When Every Myth You’re Trying To Debunk Isn’t Actually Wrong…
– Would An Artificial Superintelligence Just Leave Humanity Alone?
Intro/outro by Absolute Valentine, courtesy of Lazerdiscs Records