Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# science
Toxic algal blooms are on the rise thanks to warming oceans, and that’s bad news for nations that rely on calories from seafood…
# space
According to a new study, Earth's collision with a Mars-sized protoplanet 4.5 billion years ago didn't just create the Moon. It also gave us our oceans and helped life get started.
# politics
In the last 25 years, there's been a steep decline in our average empathy. Why? We're stuck in a self-created loop of misery, woe, anger, and conspiracies. And we must break the wheel.
# podcast
Have you noticed that the more science coverage you watch on the news, the more confused and less informed you feel? It's not just you. It's a symptom of a much bigger problem.
# sex
People in polyamorous relationships often say it's unfair to expect to have all their needs met by one person. According to psychologists, they might have a good point.
# tech
A recent experiment shows that artificial intelligence can now slightly outperform human experts in diagnosing lung cancer. So, what's next for medical AI?
# science
Polluters have two ways of cleaning up their act. They can pollute less and diversify into renewables, or pretend they're not actually causing illness and deaths. Guess which they prefer.
# astrobiology
According to numerous pop sci outlets, the Wow! Signal is a comet in a strange orbit around the sun. But according to experts, this explanation just doesn't fit the relevant data…
# health
Getting fit is a massive industry which claims to have the latest science behind it. But as more people are taking their advice, the world's obesity epidemic is spreading. How is that possible?
# podcast
It may sound hard to believe in a political era dominated by outrage and grievance but being angry is actually good for you and those around you. Well, to a point…