[ weird things ] | ancient astronauts
articles tagged: ancient astronauts
world of weird things podcast: ancient aliens
# podcast

world of weird things podcast: ancient aliens

We tackle a classic theory that turned The History Channel into the alien conspiracy network and consider what extraterrestrial life might actually be like.

why you’re probably not an alien descendant, redux
# oddities

why you’re probably not an alien descendant, redux

A new conspiracy book thinks it has a slam dunk argument for why humans were genetically engineers by aliens.

separating ancient history from ancient fiction
# astrobiology

separating ancient history from ancient fiction

One of the biggest questions no one asks ancient astronaut theorists is if they think our ancestors ever wrote fiction.

why aliens wouldn’t want us or our gold
# astrobiology

why aliens wouldn’t want us or our gold

Ancient astronaut theorists claim that aliens wanted our planet for gold mining. But why would they need gold, much less in a place where it's hard to extract?

when von daniken’s disciples leave a comment
# astrobiology

when von daniken’s disciples leave a comment

Ancient astronaut proponents can't seem to distinguish between the terms plausible and likely.

why you’re most probably not part alien
# astrobiology

why you’re most probably not part alien

It's not completely impossible that you could have some alien DNA. But the odds are literally astronomical.

when creationism comes from an unlikely source
# astrobiology

when creationism comes from an unlikely source

Ancient astronaut theory is basically creationism for people who don't believe in the supernatural, as Lloyd Pye demonstrates.

trodding on erich von daniken’s territory
# astrobiology

trodding on erich von daniken’s territory

Another entry in the quickly growing HuffPo library of woo shows that all creationism is basically the same in the end.

nat geo gets gun-shy on ancient astronauts
# astrobiology

nat geo gets gun-shy on ancient astronauts

NatGeo gave ancient astronaut theorists the time of day, but did little to rebuke their pseudoscientific arguments in a rare miss.

looking for the aliens among us
# astrobiology

looking for the aliens among us

Ancient astronaut enthusiasts are sure that humans were created by alien experiments. And this time, they say they have tangible proof.

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