[ weird things ] | artificial intelligence
articles tagged: artificial intelligence
are new computers really after your desk job?
# tech

are new computers really after your desk job?

Don't worry about most white collar office jobs being replaced by machines. At least not yet...

why do we want to build a fully fledged a.g.i.?
# tech

why do we want to build a fully fledged a.g.i.?

Artificial General Intelligence, or a synthetic mind, might not be possible to build. But if it were, would we even want to create one?

the amazing intuitive, understanding a.i.?
# tech

the amazing intuitive, understanding a.i.?

As aspiring AI designer picks a very passionate fight with a way of thinking about AI that's been dead for three decades.

will artificial intelligence need a therapist, redux
# tech

will artificial intelligence need a therapist, redux

If you're going to be a self-described AI psychologist, you have to understand how AI actually works.

the a.i. world’s mind-body dualism dilemma
# tech

the a.i. world’s mind-body dualism dilemma

Does an artificial intelligence need a body to truly become what we could consider intelligent?

how intelligent can we make our space probes?
# space

how intelligent can we make our space probes?

We can make our space rovers and probes much smarter than they are today. But we have to get innovative to protect them from alien environments.

how to dismantle searle’s chinese room
# tech

how to dismantle searle’s chinese room

The problem with John Searle's Chinese Room thought experiment is that its premise is woefully outdated in computer science terms.

that’s not what we meant by computer scientist
# tech

that’s not what we meant by computer scientist

A computer just made a genuine scientific discovery. But it's creators are somewhat overselling it when they imply that it's an entity with a scientific mind.

how to disassemble our machine overlords
# tech

how to disassemble our machine overlords

Tech evangelists seem really worried about making friends with robots and forgetting that we can always override their programming.

could artificial intelligence need a threapist?
# tech

could artificial intelligence need a threapist?

"Listen, sometimes I just get the urge to kill all humans. You know?"

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