[ weird things ] | astrobiology
articles tagged: astrobiology
kepler finds another candidate for alien eden
# space

kepler finds another candidate for alien eden

Kepler-22b is now of the our best candidates for extraterrestrial life. But there are a lot of questions left to answer about this planet.

gliese 581d gets the nod for habitability
# space

gliese 581d gets the nod for habitability

Gliese 581d, one of the exoplanets considered potential homes for alien creatures seems to show even more promise on further investigation.

finding aliens by the black holes they make?
# astrobiology

finding aliens by the black holes they make?

Could advanced alien civilizations turn to artificial black holes to meet their energy needs? And could we detect the emissions from their maws when they feed?

all aboard the good, old spaceship phobos?
# astrobiology

all aboard the good, old spaceship phobos?

An old variant of the ancient alien theory says that Phobos isn't a moon, but an abandoned spaceship. It's a surprisingly possible, if unlikely, idea.

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!
# astrobiology

help, help! alien hunters are being oppressed!

Chandra Wickramasinghe lays out an elaborate theory how the agency tasked with finding proof of alien life is suppressing evidence of alien chemistry and microbes on Earth because reasons.

could we see how aliens mine asteroids?
# astrobiology

could we see how aliens mine asteroids?

Could we spot aliens not by their signals into outer space, but by their mining activity?

keep on waiting for that alien invasion…
# space

keep on waiting for that alien invasion…

Even if aliens would try to invade and conquer us, they're probably not going to be in a hurry to do so or even want to spend the effort...

when astrobiology goes very, very wrong…
# space

when astrobiology goes very, very wrong…

Before closing its doors forever, the Journal of Cosmology lobs one last volley for its theory of panspermia and it's a... well, it's certainly something.

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space
# astrobiology

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space

Just because a planet was ejected from its solar system doesn't mean its oceans can't stay liquid long enough to host some basic life.

why alien civilizations could require oxygen
# astrobiology

why alien civilizations could require oxygen

Is oxygen in the air a necessity for an alien civilization to develop?

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