[ weird things ] | astronomy
articles tagged: astronomy
so what does alpha centauri’s planet mean for space exploration?
# space

so what does alpha centauri’s planet mean for space exploration?

Our nearest stellar neighbor has a planet. Where do we go from here?

just how habitable is gliese 163c?
# astrobiology

just how habitable is gliese 163c?

For all the excitement about this potentially habitable world, we still don't know much about it and its ability to host life.

counting exoplanets by their gravitational wells
# space

counting exoplanets by their gravitational wells

Just like supermassive black holes, planets can bend light with their gravity. But do they bend it enough for us to detect them that way?

the dark monsters who will inherit our universe
# space

the dark monsters who will inherit our universe

How big are some supermassive black holes? Just trying to scale them down to numbers we can wrap our minds around is a challenge in and of itself.

kepler finds another candidate for alien eden
# space

kepler finds another candidate for alien eden

Kepler-22b is now of the our best candidates for extraterrestrial life. But there are a lot of questions left to answer about this planet.

gliese 581d gets the nod for habitability
# space

gliese 581d gets the nod for habitability

Gliese 581d, one of the exoplanets considered potential homes for alien creatures seems to show even more promise on further investigation.

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space
# astrobiology

how to keep your ocean in interstellar space

Just because a planet was ejected from its solar system doesn't mean its oceans can't stay liquid long enough to host some basic life.

how to take a peek inside a neutron star
# space

how to take a peek inside a neutron star

A neutron star that suddenly cooled gives us a hint at what's going on in its superheated innards.

kepler delivers its first exoplanet menagerie
# space

kepler delivers its first exoplanet menagerie

Kepler's first survey gives us a list of over 1,200 new potential planets and shows that terrestrial planets may be as common as we hoped.

the amazing disappearing habitable world?
# space

the amazing disappearing habitable world?

The most likely candidate for alien life outside out solar system, Gliese 581g, might not really exist.

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