[ weird things ] | computer science
articles tagged: computer science
he is the man who arranges the economy?
# tech

he is the man who arranges the economy?

Command economies haven't worked with people. Now, some groups want to try it with machines.

to code or not to code? that is the question…
# tech

to code or not to code? that is the question…

The flip side of technophobia and lamentations about the dehumanizing effect of gadgets? Trying to force everyone to code and insisting it's a vital skill, like literacy.

why you just can’t black box an a.i.
# tech

why you just can’t black box an a.i.

AI enthusiasts love to write about machines as black boxes with inputs and outputs because they don't know how they would actually be built.

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?
# tech

can crowdsourcing create the jobs of tomorrow?

The jobs tech execs are thinking would be gained through monetized crowdsourcing don't seem like the kind of sustainable jobs we'll need in the future.

measuring our brains with the wrong ruler
# tech

measuring our brains with the wrong ruler

North Korea's computer-based insult towards South Korea's head of state was supposed to be meaningless but offensive nonsense. Too bad pop sci writers took the bait and tried to explain it anyway.

what a crab computer can tell us about seti
# astrobiology

what a crab computer can tell us about seti

A study using soldier crabs to emulate computers is actually a perfect illustration of how different alien computing could be.

inside the mind of a very angry crank
# tech

inside the mind of a very angry crank

Pseudoscience and fact-free manifestos, now with anger management issues...

new name, new accent, same old singularity…
# tech

new name, new accent, same old singularity…

A Singularity by any other name is still just a utopian cold reading of where technology is headed.

how would the nsa surf a tsunami of data?
# tech

how would the nsa surf a tsunami of data?

The NSA wants to scan the internet in real time and store whatever it can catch for later. But are they ready for the challenge that poses?

it’s tough being an open source messiah
# tech

it’s tough being an open source messiah

Like all communities, open source programming has its fair share of drama and emotional flareups over prominent tools and apps.

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