[ weird things ] | conspiracy theorists
articles tagged: conspiracy theorists
denver to ufologists: we don’t want to believe
# oddities

denver to ufologists: we don’t want to believe

Unsurprisingly, the people of Denver don't want to spend their money on researching UFO sightings instead of basic public services.

is this the golden age of conspiracy theories?
# oddities

is this the golden age of conspiracy theories?

Conspiracies seem to be all around us today. And ironically, that's the reason why most of them can't possibly be true.

australia’s hccc wags its finger at anti-vaxers
# health

australia’s hccc wags its finger at anti-vaxers

Australian health watchdogs give the country's most rabid anti-vaxers a scathing rebuke, but doesn't go beyond giving them a slap on the wrist.

taxil may be dead, but his hoax lives on
# oddities

taxil may be dead, but his hoax lives on

Even more than a century after Taxil exposed his revelations about our shadowy Satanic overlords as nothing more than a hoax played on the Catholic Church, conspiracy theorists have been recycling it without a second thought.

alt med and the conspiracy theory mindset
# oddities

alt med and the conspiracy theory mindset

What do 9/11 Truther rants have to do with selling supplements? Actually, a lot more than you might think...

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