[ weird things ] | conspiracy theorists
articles tagged: conspiracy theorists
the strange tales of phantom soviet cosmonauts
# oddities

the strange tales of phantom soviet cosmonauts

With the Soviet space program often shrouded in secrecy, there are many tales of cosmonauts whose grim fates were deliberately omitted from the country's history.

apparently, digital currency is of the devil…
# oddities

apparently, digital currency is of the devil…

Conspiracy theorists and religious zealots waiting for the End Times have some surprisingly strong opinions in the cash vs. digital money debate...

the conspiracy theories of rabid partisans
# politics

the conspiracy theories of rabid partisans

Conspiracy ideation is at its purest form when it comes to partisan politics.

search engines vs. conspiracy theorists?
# oddities

search engines vs. conspiracy theorists?

Trying to debunk conspiracy theories alongside search results might just convince conspiracy theorists that the search engines are in on the sinister scheme they're researching.

the bizarre mindset of conspiracy theorists
# oddities

the bizarre mindset of conspiracy theorists

Apparently, conspiracy theorists picture life in the Illuminati as being a member of a racist BDSM dungeon...

the kremlin cites david icke’s political expertise
# politics

the kremlin cites david icke’s political expertise

According to the Kremlin, David Icke isn't a wide-eyed conspiracy theorist preaching about immortal alien lizards running the Earth but a serious political scientist.

scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…
# oddities

scraping the bottom of the conspiracy barrel…

Christian zealots and Muslim fundamentalists find new common ground: that evolution is a myth created by the Jews to subjugate the world.

osama dies and a conspiracy theory is born
# oddities

osama dies and a conspiracy theory is born

Unsurprisingly, bin Ladens death immediately spawned a raft of conspiracy theories around what really happened in Abbottabad.

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition
# science

thanksgiving: awkward family debates edition

The holidays are a time for family, which often means arguments with woo-loving relatives...

when you see conspiracies everywhere you turn
# oddities

when you see conspiracies everywhere you turn

It's been a busy week for conspiracy theorists and cautionary tales for those who believe in them.

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