[ weird things ] | creationism
articles tagged: creationism
how to fail at biology and computer science
# evolution

how to fail at biology and computer science

The Discovery Institute and its merry band of pseudoscientists seem to believe they can overturn the science of evolution by filibustering courts with meaningless buzzwords.

answering one fallacy with another
# science

answering one fallacy with another

Creationists attack evolution with a hydra of bad faith arguments and logical fallacies. Trying to counter them using the bandwagon fallacy is only playing into their hands.

the creationist swarm stays on the offensive
# science

the creationist swarm stays on the offensive

After several years of sustained pushback, you'd think that creationists would find a new strategy. But they're nothing if not consistent and deaf to criticism...

when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?
# science

when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?

Pundits and commentators are still perplexed by Ken Ham and his temple of ignorance, and keep setting out on a snipe hunt for a deep, complicated reason why he created it.

a designer’s questions about intelligent design
# evolution

a designer’s questions about intelligent design

A few questions for the Great Creationist Information Theory Wizard William Albert Dembski about the design of the human body and genome.

the unfortunate return of dennis sewell
# science

the unfortunate return of dennis sewell

Dennis Sewell is back, and this time with an entire book lazily recycling the worst and most thoroughly debunked arguments against evolution and Darwin's work and impact on science.

the invader zim syndrome
# science

the invader zim syndrome

The best metaphor for creationists might be a misanthropic kids' cartoon from the 1990s rather than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

when theologians peer inside an empty box…
# oddities

when theologians peer inside an empty box…

Dr. William Craig is billed as a source of fresh, new commentary on science and religion. His work miserably fails to live up to the hype.

undermining biology, one class at a time
# evolution

undermining biology, one class at a time

A new study confirms what science advocates have long suspected. Creationism in the classroom undermines the quality of student's education.

you can hear einstein’s ghost weep…
# science

you can hear einstein’s ghost weep…

A proper rebuttal to an example of concentrated, weapons-grade creationist nonsense from an angry reader.

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