[ weird things ] | creationists
articles tagged: creationists
when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?
# science

when in doubt, pull a bait and switch?

Pundits and commentators are still perplexed by Ken Ham and his temple of ignorance, and keep setting out on a snipe hunt for a deep, complicated reason why he created it.

saving kids from hell one science class at a time
# education

saving kids from hell one science class at a time

An accidental sneak peek at what kids are taught in a creationist science class shows a profound disregard for both the Bible and scientific facts.

texas, still hell bent on undermining education
# education

texas, still hell bent on undermining education

A profile of Don McLeroy makes it clear that the Texas Board of Education isn't interested in anything other than blasting students with simplistic, dogmatic propaganda.

the invader zim syndrome
# science

the invader zim syndrome

The best metaphor for creationists might be a misanthropic kids' cartoon from the 1990s rather than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

the sunday times gets an egg on its face
# evolution

the sunday times gets an egg on its face

British pundit Dennis Sewell is back to blame all the evils of the modern world on the discovery of gradual genetic change in living organisms.

creationists start circling ida’s cadaver
# evolution

creationists start circling ida’s cadaver

Creationists believe that the scientific conclusions about Ida the fossil are a death blow to evolution. In reality, they're just attacking the much ridiculed hype generated by its discoverer.

when theologians peer inside an empty box…
# oddities

when theologians peer inside an empty box…

Dr. William Craig is billed as a source of fresh, new commentary on science and religion. His work miserably fails to live up to the hype.

undermining biology, one class at a time
# evolution

undermining biology, one class at a time

A new study confirms what science advocates have long suspected. Creationism in the classroom undermines the quality of student's education.

behe keeps the manufactroversy going
# evolution

behe keeps the manufactroversy going

Like a phoenix of nonsense, Michael Behe rises from the ashes of being proved wrong on his terms and with his conditions by pretending that the exact opposite has happened.

review: the greatest show on earth
# evolution

review: the greatest show on earth

The Greatest Show on Earth, Dawkins' latest book, is mostly a primer on evolution rather than a polemic on atheism. And that works perfectly well.

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