[ weird things ] | creationists
articles tagged: creationists
the creationist quest to slime darwin
# evolution

the creationist quest to slime darwin

There seems to be nothing creationists won't blame on Charles Darwin, especially the Holocaust.

young earth creationists vs. the big bang
# space

young earth creationists vs. the big bang

Young Earth creationists demand scientists produce the "missing antimatter" from the Big Bang or scrap the theory altogether.

sticking a fork in bloggingheads.tv?
# science

sticking a fork in bloggingheads.tv?

Respectful debates help us learn and improve the public discourse. But there's a catch. Those debates can't be so respectful that they refuse to call out abject nonsense.

dembski still trying to play scientist
# science

dembski still trying to play scientist

Bill Dembski thinks he can disprove evolution with information theory. But he doesn't understand enough about biology or statistics to apply it.

creationist science fair bans science
# science

creationist science fair bans science

The Creation Museum is running a science fair. Yes, it's the same thing as a slaughterhouse having a confab about veganism.

simple answers to simple questions
# science

simple answers to simple questions

Ken Ham's temple of ignorance asks a simple-minded, leading question. We should still answer it.

why i’m not going to the creation museum
# education

why i’m not going to the creation museum

I'm not going to the Creation Museum for pretty much the same reason I wash my hands after using a public restroom.

another ultimate proof of creation…
# oddities

another ultimate proof of creation…

Creationists always promise a grand proof for why evolution is a folly of the unfaithful. This time they're timing it to a group of atheists visiting their Creation Museum.

public education in texas, doomed
# education

public education in texas, doomed

Texas' new potential chair of the Board of Education will make you long for the good old days of anti-evolution dentist Don McLeroy.

how to fail sixth grade science in three pages
# space

how to fail sixth grade science in three pages

Spike Psarris tries to explain why evolution and a 13 billion year old are lies because... the planet Mercury is a little too dense for his tastes?

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