[ weird things ] | debate
articles tagged: debate
when there are already enough people on a warpath
# politics

when there are already enough people on a warpath

Atheists will not outshout religious zealots because the zealots will drag them down to a reality and fact-free screaming match and beat them with experience.

why big time online skeptics just can’t keep on doing what they’re doing
# politics

why big time online skeptics just can’t keep on doing what they’re doing

Celebrity-driven organized skepticism is becoming a loud, partisan, and political disaster.

why arguing with a crank just won’t work out
# science

why arguing with a crank just won’t work out

Cranks looking to debate serious scientists and scholars aren't looking to have a discussion. They shouldn't be given a platform and legitimacy by proxy.

waiting for reciprocity from the world of woo
# politics

waiting for reciprocity from the world of woo

Cranks, quacks, and peddlers of woo would love for skeptics to tone down their criticism. In fact, they'd like us to stop it completely.

when in doubt, shout? maybe, but not so fast.
# science

when in doubt, shout? maybe, but not so fast.

Often times, the loudest defenders of a belief aren't trying to convince you. They're trying to convince themselves.

not dangerous, just poorly thought out…
# politics

not dangerous, just poorly thought out…

Sometimes ideas advocated as dangerous and subversive are just poorly thought out notions in search of better marketing.

why criticism is more important than ever
# politics

why criticism is more important than ever

In sparing the feeling of religious zealots and ardent believers of junk science, we've done ourselves no favors.

weird things vs. the transhumanists
# tech

weird things vs. the transhumanists

Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.

oh those rude, snarky accommodationists…
# science

oh those rude, snarky accommodationists…

In an ironic turn of events, accommodationist Massimo Pigliucci gets lambasted for being offensive to believers for writing a book about separating junk science and belief from fact.

why accommodationism isn’t working out
# science

why accommodationism isn’t working out

With friends like accommodationists, science advocates don't need any enemies.

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