Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# politics
Atheists will not outshout religious zealots because the zealots will drag them down to a reality and fact-free screaming match and beat them with experience.
# politics
Celebrity-driven organized skepticism is becoming a loud, partisan, and political disaster.
# science
Cranks looking to debate serious scientists and scholars aren't looking to have a discussion. They shouldn't be given a platform and legitimacy by proxy.
# politics
Cranks, quacks, and peddlers of woo would love for skeptics to tone down their criticism. In fact, they'd like us to stop it completely.
# science
Often times, the loudest defenders of a belief aren't trying to convince you. They're trying to convince themselves.
# politics
Sometimes ideas advocated as dangerous and subversive are just poorly thought out notions in search of better marketing.
# politics
In sparing the feeling of religious zealots and ardent believers of junk science, we've done ourselves no favors.
# tech
Tomorrow, it's Weird Things vs. transhumanist George Dvorksy on Skeptically Speaking.
# science
In an ironic turn of events, accommodationist Massimo Pigliucci gets lambasted for being offensive to believers for writing a book about separating junk science and belief from fact.
# science
With friends like accommodationists, science advocates don't need any enemies.