[ weird things ] | futurism
articles tagged: futurism
welcome to the very socially awkward future?
# tech

welcome to the very socially awkward future?

We might not be quite ready for the kind of augmented reality that Google has in mind for us..

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon
# tech

why we won’t build a dyson sphere soon

No, a Dyson sphere around our sun isn't a plausible project for the next few thousand years. And maybe not even then.

how a russian media mogul pulled a kurzweil
# tech

how a russian media mogul pulled a kurzweil

A Russian mogul's PR firm is talking to bloggers about his plan to fast-track The Singularity.

why you may want to see yourself as a machine
# tech

why you may want to see yourself as a machine

While thinking of our bodies as divine or entirely in utilitarian terms is unhealthy, there is a middle ground to consider.

how to disassemble our machine overlords
# tech

how to disassemble our machine overlords

Tech evangelists seem really worried about making friends with robots and forgetting that we can always override their programming.

reaching for transhumanism in comic books
# tech

reaching for transhumanism in comic books

Transhumanism is a common theme in comic books. But which one of the scenarios they present has the most scientific merit?

looking for a ghost in the machine, redux
# tech

looking for a ghost in the machine, redux

Philosopher Nick Bostrom is still barking up the same, fundamentally wrong tree of emergent super-intelligence.

techno-utopianism makes it to time magazine
# tech

techno-utopianism makes it to time magazine

Time gives the Singularity and its prophet the kid glove treatment, glossing over the scientific and technical issues with a wave of starry eyed credulity.

of new tech, big promises, and mixed results
# tech

of new tech, big promises, and mixed results

The tech industry didn't suddenly start promising disruptive revolutions with every new gadget and app. It's been doing that since its first days.

waiting for our post-singularity robot overlords
# tech

waiting for our post-singularity robot overlords

Singularitarian arguments for the seeming inevitability of artificial super-intelligent are little more than wild extrapolations of pop sci cliches.

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