[ weird things ] | futurism
articles tagged: futurism
tau zero tries to read kardashev’s tea leaves
# space

tau zero tries to read kardashev’s tea leaves

Tau Zero Foundation's founder's interpretation of the Earth's energy generation projections profoundly misunderstands its own point.

your dose of graphic, dystopian post-humanism
# space

your dose of graphic, dystopian post-humanism

Dougal Dixon has seen the future of the human species and it's not a fun or good one...

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee
# tech

the tech prophet’s visions get graded by ieee

IEEE is not impressed with Ray Kurzweil's cold readings about the future of computing and technology.

singularitarian rebukes the nerd rapture crowd
# tech

singularitarian rebukes the nerd rapture crowd

Michael Anissimov has had it with transhumanists ready to hurry up and wait for technology to solve every problem humanity faces by merely existing.

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor
# sex

turning sexuality and cognition into digital vapor

Surprisingly, one of the topics Singularitarians don't bring up about the utopian virtual worlds to which we'll upload our minds is just how much sex there would be.

jaron lanier vs. history and the singularitarians
# tech

jaron lanier vs. history and the singularitarians

Jaron Lanier went from VR pioneer to Luddite afraid of transhumanists' supposed agenda of mass dehumanization.

international futurism: evolution and civilizations
# tech

international futurism: evolution and civilizations

While utopians dream of tomorrow's world, they often forget that we can't take anything for granted when it comes to humanity's future.

the last invention we would ever need…
# tech

the last invention we would ever need…

A superintelligent computer would be the last invention humanity could ever want. Figuratively and literally.

coming soon to a future near you…
# tech

coming soon to a future near you…

Predictions are difficult, especially about the future. But what futurist ideas seem to be on the right track and more likely to happen than not?

cryonics: the best worst case scenario…
# tech

cryonics: the best worst case scenario…

If you froze yourself in a cryogenic chamber, would anyone actually want to unfreeze you in the future?

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