[ weird things ] | military
articles tagged: military
but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…
# astrobiology

but if the big, bad aliens really do invade…

Just because an alien invasion is very unlikely doesn't mean we shouldn't spend at least some time and effort preparing for the possibility...

darpa: we need a formula for taming chaos
# tech

darpa: we need a formula for taming chaos

DARPA wants machines that can look at video and not just see what's in the frame, but understand it.

how not to set this bot to kill all humans
# tech

how not to set this bot to kill all humans

A lot of popular science writers who don't know how AI is developed are hyping a Skynet scenario. Don't believe them.

could video games train their players for war?
# tech

could video games train their players for war?

Using video games and realistic virtual simulations to train soldiers has been a sci-fi trope for many years. Experts are wondering if it could soon become a reality.

when academics try to take on military history
# politics

when academics try to take on military history

Inertia applies not only to objects with mass, but to bureaucracy and large institutions that have grown out of control.

are we drawing in ufos with mushroom clouds?
# astrobiology

are we drawing in ufos with mushroom clouds?

Retired military officers claim that aliens are visiting Earth to discourage us from using nuclear weapons on each other. But how would aliens know if we have nukes?

when bad quantum physics invade military news
# science

when bad quantum physics invade military news

Quantum communication is a powerful tool, but it's not impossible to hack or very practical yet, especially for military purposes.

who needs a clearance? you’ve got wikileaks!
# politics

who needs a clearance? you’ve got wikileaks!

WikiLeaks' stunt is unlikely to end well for informants helping to fight the Taliban and seems designed only to boost Assange's profile.

cyber-security. you’re doing it very wrong.
# tech

cyber-security. you’re doing it very wrong.

Joe Lieberman decided that the best way to tackle cyber-security is by literally shutting off the country's internet on demand with nothing more than an executive order by the president.

some of my readers are sadistic tacticians…
# astrobiology

some of my readers are sadistic tacticians…

Some of this blog's readers would make really scary and really good alien invaders...

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