[ weird things ] | military
articles tagged: military
didn’t anyone ever tell you not to talk to aliens?
# astrobiology

didn’t anyone ever tell you not to talk to aliens?

While we're trying to get aliens' attention with active SETI, we need to keep in mind that we talk to aliens at our own risk.

why we still live in a m.a.d., m.a.d. world…
# politics

why we still live in a m.a.d., m.a.d. world…

Unfortunately for those of us who'd like to remain alive and not irradiated, the ghost of Mutually Assured Destruction lives on.

can we really end civilization with nukes?
# science

can we really end civilization with nukes?

Can we destroy the world with nukes? It depends on who you ask and what kinds of warheads and damage they include in their calculations...

how not to turn the web into a weapon
# tech

how not to turn the web into a weapon

Defense contractors are trying to turn the internet into an arena for state-sponsored espionage of dubious efficacy and legality.

military firepower, coming to an orbit near you
# space

military firepower, coming to an orbit near you

Whether we like it or not, military hardware is going to be in space. It's just a question of when and what.

the zombie apocalypse gets put on hold again
# oddities

the zombie apocalypse gets put on hold again

You might see a lot of headlines featuring the words "military" and "zombies" in your feeds. But don't worry, the undead aren't about to rise from the grave in pursuit of human flesh.

so much for the three laws of robotics…
# tech

so much for the three laws of robotics…

While Singularitarians are focused on creating a friendly AI, the first real world artificial intelligence systems are likely to be as unfriendly as possible by design...

the secret moon plans of the cold war
# space

the secret moon plans of the cold war

Stalin wasn't the only world leader who was thinking about using the Moon as a springboard for a massive base able to strike anywhere on Earth with devastating consequences.

in space, no one can hear you nuke
# space

in space, no one can hear you nuke

The Soviet Union wanted to detonate a nuclear warhead on the Moon as a show of force. But without an atmosphere and 238,900 miles away, what would that look like?

please use your nuclear arsenal responsibly
# science

please use your nuclear arsenal responsibly

Nuclear weapons are the most terrifying devices humanity ever invented. And back in the day, the military explored using psychics to figure out where to aim them.

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