[ weird things ] | psychology
articles tagged: psychology
how to know if you’re addicted to love
# sex

how to know if you’re addicted to love

Those caught with their pants down often seek treatment for sex addiction. But is sex addiction real, and does it mean they weren't responsible for their actions?

is there such a thing as sex addiction?
# sex

is there such a thing as sex addiction?

For years there's been a debate about whether sexual addiction should be included in the DSM V and we don't seem to be any closer to an answer.

pizzagate and our brand new social media conspiracy factories
# oddities

pizzagate and our brand new social media conspiracy factories

We figured out the recipe for conspiracy theorists. And, unwittingly, so has social media...

how to effectively battle dunning kruger
# science

how to effectively battle dunning kruger

There is a cure for Dunning Kruger according to one of its discoverers. Unfortunately, there's a risk of collateral damage when it's applied.

why just showing more data doesn’t slow propaganda on social media
# tech

why just showing more data doesn’t slow propaganda on social media

The idea that just giving people more data to make the right choices flies in the face of how humans typically work.

a study of the friend zone: the scientific reasons why she’s just not that into you
# sex

a study of the friend zone: the scientific reasons why she’s just not that into you

Science confirms that the "friendzone" is very real and shows how not to get trapped in it.

how to build consensus in politics, from a cognitive psychologists’ standpoint
# politics

how to build consensus in politics, from a cognitive psychologists’ standpoint

While it seems we can't even talk to anyone on the other side of the political divide, psychology offers a roadmap for a productive conversation with almost anyone.

the satanic ritual abuse hoax lives on
# oddities

the satanic ritual abuse hoax lives on

Remember the Satanic Panic of the 1990s and the various cranks promoting it? It turns out they never quite moved on to something else...

why it’s not what you quantify, but why
# science

why it’s not what you quantify, but why

Quantification and tracking gets people to do more of what you want them to do, but makes doing it a lot less fun.

milgram’s experiments get a modern reboot
# science

milgram’s experiments get a modern reboot

A modern twist on a classic experiment shows how we mentally disassociate from ourselves when carrying out orders.

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