[ weird things ] | psychology
articles tagged: psychology
why science says not to feed the trolls
# tech

why science says not to feed the trolls

After analyzing millions of comments researchers can say for sure that the best way to deal with trolls is with deafening silence.

how not to lose your sanity on an alien planet
# space

how not to lose your sanity on an alien planet

Astronauts will go stir crazy and get cabin fever on interplanetary missions. And it will have to be every mission planner's job to keep them sane and entertained.

why human morality is a tricky calculus…
# science

why human morality is a tricky calculus…

A study shows that the further we're personally removed from a harmful or even lethal action, the easier we can rationalize its execution.

will artificial intelligence need a therapist, redux
# tech

will artificial intelligence need a therapist, redux

If you're going to be a self-described AI psychologist, you have to understand how AI actually works.

how to slowly go insane in the mainframe
# tech

how to slowly go insane in the mainframe

A team of researchers drove a robot insane, literally. On purpose. And their findings can shed light on the origins of schizophrenia.

no, you can’t do psychology by committee
# science

no, you can’t do psychology by committee

A group of researchers armed with very strong opinions and flawed studies do not constitute a consensus on the effects of video game violence on children.

why we’re more evil than you may think
# science

why we’re more evil than you may think

Researchers show that far more of us than we'd admit would harm a stranger for the promise of cold, hard cash.

when in doubt, shout? maybe, but not so fast.
# science

when in doubt, shout? maybe, but not so fast.

Often times, the loudest defenders of a belief aren't trying to convince you. They're trying to convince themselves.

why millions of deaths can be “just” a statistic…
# science

why millions of deaths can be “just” a statistic…

The bigger the crime, the less inclined we seem to emphasize with each victim.

is it real? and does it really matter?
# science

is it real? and does it really matter?

What does it mean to be real? An awkward introductions to scientific mass solipsism.

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