[ weird things ] | religion
articles tagged: religion
ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes
# sex

ratzinger vs. spanish sex ed classes

Fresh off a child molestation scandal, the Pope is trying to dictate Span's sex ed curriculums.

conservapedia hits rock bottom, keeps digging
# politics

conservapedia hits rock bottom, keeps digging

The latest scholarly take on atheism from Conservapedia: "hur hur, u r fat..."

why we shouldn’t mix kurzweil with atheism
# tech

why we shouldn’t mix kurzweil with atheism

When you start with a deeply flawed premise and advance a deeply flawed argument, you'll come to a deeply flawed conclusion.

and the christmas lump of coal goes to…
# oddities

and the christmas lump of coal goes to…

Weird Things is making a list and checking it twice, going to find out who's been undermining public health, science, and education...

your morning dose of would-be martyrdom
# evolution

your morning dose of would-be martyrdom

Argument from a persecution complex is not a persuasive way to defend creationism. Or anything, for that matter...

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science
# science

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science

A brief survey of the six kinds of people actively ruining science for the rest of us.

bill dembski vs. his fundamentalist bosses
# evolution

bill dembski vs. his fundamentalist bosses

The man who spent his career dismissing evolution as a faith which scientists were bullied into following is now being threatened by his bosses for disagreeing with young Earth creationism.

how to confuse intuition with indoctrination
# evolution

how to confuse intuition with indoctrination

Far too many commentators are way too eager to explain to scientists and science writers why creationism is still a thing. It would be nice if their explanations were actually rooted in the real world.

templeton thinks science is just too simple
# science

templeton thinks science is just too simple

According to the finest minds Templeton could assembly, science is for lazy chumps. Aesthetics and theology is where all the hard work really is.

the upstanding templeton fellows proudly meow
# science

the upstanding templeton fellows proudly meow

Templeton fellows keep making grand speeches promising to connect faith and science and failing miserably.

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