Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# tech
Being replaced by machines at work is no longer a utopian prediction. It's a grim reality for which our leaders haven't even tried to prepare.
# tech
The robots who may assist us and take care of our basic needs in the future don't have to be humanoid to be useful. It may even be better if they're not.
# tech
The Tau Zero Foundation has a radical plan for exploring interstellar space with an extreme spaceship. Problem is, it might not be radical enough.
# tech
Computers and robots are probably not going to be our friends or act like anything other than our helpers and tools in the real world. And that's ok.
# tech
Small, simple robots are making amazing leaps and bounds in evolving behavior similar to that of living things. But why? And how?
# tech
Intel gives us a humorous peek at a surprisingly plausible future of robotics with its "Lunch Room" ad.
# tech
UK academics want to know if a sufficiently advanced robot goes on a killing spree should also stand trial for its crimes.
# tech
We're inching closer and closer to armies of killer robots ready to do out bidding. Their code better be up to par.
# tech
Before we explore the universe, robots will have to lead the way. And for them to find the best places to colonize will be to become self-sustaining.
# tech
Making robots compete for survival like living things shows us how some complex behaviors like altruism and parasitism might have evolved.