Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# politics
Organized skepticism was once covered in every major publication around the world. Why did it seemingly vanish overnight? And what damage did its implosion leave behind?
# astrobiology
An astronomer who keeps making wild claims about alien technology in our solar system now claims there are parts of an alien spaceship in the Pacific Ocean.
# education
Today’s media is addicted to contrarian takes on everything. And those takes are almost always just attention-grabbing clickbait.
# science
We often think anti-intellectualism and ignorance are the same thing. They're not. Anti-intellectualism is a lot eviler and more corrosive, and a lot more dangerous.
# politics
Skeptical groups were poised to bring science and critical thinking to the masses. They failed in their mission. But did they ever really have a chance to succeed?
# tech
Thanks to social media, everybody can be a pundit today, and that’s ruining how we build a factual understanding of our world and what’s happening in it.
# podcast
Once again, stories of military officers spotting UFOs and never getting answers to their questions are making their way through the media. Why are these tales so common?
# science
For some inexplicable reason, Google funded an experiment to test whether cold fusion is possible. It's not and can't be unless everything we know about physics is wrong.
# oddities
Both Finland and the United States have a serious fake news problem, but only one of them has been successful in tacking it. How this played out is both instructive and disturbing
# podcast
Some of the most frequently seen and impressive sci-fi weapons in movies and TV shows have a dirty little secret. They wouldn’t actually work as advertised, if they work at all.