[ weird things ] | skepticism
articles tagged: skepticism
whatever you do, don’t call them denialists?
# science

whatever you do, don’t call them denialists?

Michael Fitzpatrick's bold new idea for combatting denialism and attacks on scientific fact: pretend denialists always argue in good faith and don't call them out on their denialism.

caught up in the bandwagon fallacy, people refuse to listen to science
# science

caught up in the bandwagon fallacy, people refuse to listen to science

Being told more people believed something makes you more likely to believe it too, even if science says the exact opposite.

the trouble with testing extraordinary claims
# science

the trouble with testing extraordinary claims

Despite dangling a million dollar prize, with updated bank statements that it's legit, for a demonstration of a supernatural ability, James Randi has very few takers.

skeptics and the law vs. the vatican
# politics

skeptics and the law vs. the vatican

The Catholic Church has a thousand year old history of various sexual abuses they successfully kept from the law. Their recent scandals merely reveal how they've always operated.

the skeptics’ anthem, now in hip hop
# education

the skeptics’ anthem, now in hip hop

Baba Brinkman comes up with a proper diss track for cranks, quacks, and snake oil salesmen.

the daily galaxy embraces the singuarity
# tech

the daily galaxy embraces the singuarity

The Daily Galaxy takes up preaching the gospel of the Singularity to its fans while dodging the sketchy history and problematic future of the concept.

snake oil salesman steals deepak chopra’s act
# health

snake oil salesman steals deepak chopra’s act

Mike Adams borrows the King of Woo's strategy of stringing a Gish Gallop of junk science to better sell his supplements and pamphlets.

when archeology meets numerology
# science

when archeology meets numerology

When connecting the dots in archeology, you might end up with a discovery you think rewrites the history books. Emphasis on the "you think" part...

a mile in the shoes of a barefoot believer
# science

a mile in the shoes of a barefoot believer

Communication between scientists and believers runs into a fundamental problem. Scientists see knowledge as impersonal. Believers don't.

why you should support your skeptics
# science

why you should support your skeptics

Science and skeptical blogs seem to be everywhere. Unfortunately their combined audience pales in comparison to the bully pulpits of committed cranks and anti-science activists on a mission.

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