[ weird things ] | skepticism
articles tagged: skepticism
the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science
# science

the gallery of anti-skepticism and anti-science

A brief survey of the six kinds of people actively ruining science for the rest of us.

the guardian to skeptics: think of the children!
# politics

the guardian to skeptics: think of the children!

If skeptics are trying to win hearts and minds, they need to remember that teaching kids real science and critical thinking can't be sidelined.

skeptic groups try to exorcise their atheists
# politics

skeptic groups try to exorcise their atheists

Newly minted atheists are joining skeptical groups and those groups are not happy about it...

how two scientists applied to be homeopaths
# health

how two scientists applied to be homeopaths

Two scientists submit the applications that an opening for a homeopathic doctor deserved...

skeptics get a wag of the finger from phil plait
# science

skeptics get a wag of the finger from phil plait

Phil Plait urges skepticism in moderation and without harsh criticism. By using rather hard criticism of skeptics on the front lines.

how cranks and mad scientists are born
# science

how cranks and mad scientists are born

Scientists and engineers don't turn into cranks overnight. It's a process that usually starts by not knowing when to cut one's losses...

thanks for your concern, but we’ll be fine…
# politics

thanks for your concern, but we’ll be fine…

Frank Swain's criticism of skeptical bloggers has some good notes, but largely misses the broader point of what skeptical blogging is all about.

in skeptical defense of transhumanism…
# tech

in skeptical defense of transhumanism…

It's one thing to criticize junk science or lack of detail when it comes to transhumanism. It's something else to dismiss the entire concept based on glorified statism and fatalism.

is alt med woo on its way out in europe?
# health

is alt med woo on its way out in europe?

National healthcare systems are getting sick and tired of paying for expensive placebos.

a stormy movie is on the horizon
# oddities

a stormy movie is on the horizon

Tim Minchin's famous beat poem about a woo-ey dinner guest is getting made into a short film.

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