[ weird things ] | social media
articles tagged: social media
yes, social media is being weaponized
# tech

yes, social media is being weaponized

WikiLeaks decided to use Twitter to settle scores, implying a heavy use of doxxing to silence its critics and detractors.

who fact checks the fact checkers?
# oddities

who fact checks the fact checkers?

The Daily Mail, an infamously fact-averse tabloid, decided to fire a preemptive shot against Snopes by smearing its founders and screaming bias.

why twitter is by far the worst social media platform for skeptics
# tech

why twitter is by far the worst social media platform for skeptics

Of all the platforms on which to debate and fact check, Twitter is almost purpose-built to be the absolute worst.

computers confirm, mommy blogs are a hazard to your health
# health

computers confirm, mommy blogs are a hazard to your health

Mommy blogs are filled with so much disinformation and scaremongering, they should be officially labeled an infectious disease vector.

pizzagate and our brand new social media conspiracy factories
# oddities

pizzagate and our brand new social media conspiracy factories

We figured out the recipe for conspiracy theorists. And, unwittingly, so has social media...

why just showing more data doesn’t slow propaganda on social media
# tech

why just showing more data doesn’t slow propaganda on social media

The idea that just giving people more data to make the right choices flies in the face of how humans typically work.

the habits of social media partisans: the far left rants and mocks, the far right just lies
# politics

the habits of social media partisans: the far left rants and mocks, the far right just lies

An analysis of partisan echo chambers on social media shows that the far left and the far right have unique approaches to propaganda.

why weird things is moving to medium
# tech

why weird things is moving to medium

The start of a new experiment for a new era of blogging.

why rating people on the web is one of the worst ideas in tech
# tech

why rating people on the web is one of the worst ideas in tech

Of all the terrible ideas conceived in the social media age, a Yelp for people has to be, by far, one of the absolute worst and poorly thought out.

in defense of reddit’s toxic cesspools
# tech

in defense of reddit’s toxic cesspools

Reddit's reputation as the internet's sewer is both unfair and ignores the simple fact that when you interact with millions of people, some of them will be awful human beings.

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