[ weird things ] | space travel
articles tagged: space travel
a rocket-launched spaceliner: combining the worst of both worlds
# space

a rocket-launched spaceliner: combining the worst of both worlds

Combining the expense and inconvenience of a rocket launch with the noise and danger of hypersonic flight, this space liner is very unlikely to ever take off.

why space travel can get really, really boring
# space

why space travel can get really, really boring

A simulated mission to Mars finds that one of the biggest potential threats to astronauts outside of radiation will be cabin fever.

can spacex really build a martian metropolis?
# space

can spacex really build a martian metropolis?

Just how realistic is Elon Musk's 80,000 person outpost on Mars given enough time and money?

how to keep exploring space semi-vicariously
# space

how to keep exploring space semi-vicariously

To protect ourselves from alien extremes, a NASA plan calls for telepresence from orbit.

surviving seven minutes of martian terror
# space

surviving seven minutes of martian terror

All you need to know about how hard it is to land on Mars is that rocket scientists call it "seven minutes of terror."

how to start a human-ran alien nation state
# space

how to start a human-ran alien nation state

Space exploration and long term settlements of alien worlds might actually be a recipe for creating new countries with their own cultures, languages, and armed forces.

and after fifty years of human spaceflight…
# space

and after fifty years of human spaceflight…

It's been half a century since the first human slipped into orbit around our planet. And while we've done a lot in space since then, we haven't done nearly enough.

a good reason not to try sex in space. yet.
# science

a good reason not to try sex in space. yet.

Embryos outside of Earth's gravity seem to have a hard time developing, meaning that reproduction in space requires a far more fine tuned environment.

tau zero tries to read kardashev’s tea leaves
# space

tau zero tries to read kardashev’s tea leaves

Tau Zero Foundation's founder's interpretation of the Earth's energy generation projections profoundly misunderstands its own point.

is ssto coming back from the brink of death?
# space

is ssto coming back from the brink of death?

Single stage to orbit spacecraft have been mothballed for decades. But with the potential of space tourism, there may be an incentive to take another run at designing them.

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