[ weird things ] | space travel
articles tagged: space travel
when too much skepticism about space exploration can be a bad thing
# space

when too much skepticism about space exploration can be a bad thing

When not promising us cities on Triton in ten years, the media seems befuddled by and incredulous of the most conservative and realistic plans for space exploration.

say, how much would you want for that planet?
# space

say, how much would you want for that planet?

Could the far future see a market for selling entire planets not too dissimilar from today's real estate market?

why you can’t nuke your way to a second earth
# space

why you can’t nuke your way to a second earth

Someone should tell Elon Musk that a nuclear bombardment of Mars into habitability won't be much of a shortcut.

what our trip to pluto can teach us about ourselves
# space

what our trip to pluto can teach us about ourselves

New Horizons' flyby of Pluto let us see a brand new world that doesn't fit in our conventional categories, and reminded us that at our heart, we're explorers, not drones.

what space exploration can do for medicine
# space

what space exploration can do for medicine

Want a longer, healthier, more exciting life with many quality years in your old age? Support space exploration.

no, we can’t just explore space with more robots
# space

no, we can’t just explore space with more robots

Robotics researcher Srikanth Saripalli advances a bizarre argument against human spaceflight and in favor of sending a robots we haven't invented yet to distant worlds.

why luxury spaceships would be worth their price tag
# space

why luxury spaceships would be worth their price tag

If we're going to have astronauts working and living in space for years at a time, cramming them in tight, fixed spaces without artificial gravity is doing them, and us, a major disservice.

why mars is not the next apollo
# space

why mars is not the next apollo

We cannot treat Mars the same way we treated the Moon.

why colonizing another planet really shouldn’t be a reality show
# space

why colonizing another planet really shouldn’t be a reality show

As far as colonization ideas go, Mars One is a terrible one.

fly me to the moon and print me an outpost
# space

fly me to the moon and print me an outpost

Printing outposts on the Moon is all the rage for mission planners. And if they succeed, we will all feel the benefits here on Earth.

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