Exploring bleeding edge experiments, oddities, new and bizarre dicoveries, and fact-checking conspiracy theories since 2008. No question is out of bounds and no topic is too strange for a deep dive.
# tech
A superintelligent computer would be the last invention humanity could ever want. Figuratively and literally.
# tech
Didn't get enough Singularity debates on the air last time? George Dvorsky and I are back...
# tech
The Prophet of the Singularity returns with a hopeful sermon on our impending computer-aided immortality.
# tech
Computer scientist Jaron Lanier wants to you remind you not to worship technology as a panacea to all the world's ills, albeit in a very bizarre, rambling way...
# tech
It's one thing to criticize junk science or lack of detail when it comes to transhumanism. It's something else to dismiss the entire concept based on glorified statism and fatalism.
# tech
A Singularitarian group wants to make you immortal using nothing more than all your secrets and keepsakes...
# tech
We interrupt our normal update to bring you a message from the post-Singularity future.
# tech
Advocates of the supposedly incoming Technological Singularity have been long on talk but short on detail and seem to see no reason to reverse this trend.
# tech
The Daily Galaxy takes up preaching the gospel of the Singularity to its fans while dodging the sketchy history and problematic future of the concept.
# tech
A biologist tried to give a neuroscience lesson to the utopian futurists at H+ and they did not take it well.